Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Geek Universe

Are you interested in science/tech?

Do you wish to always know what's hot in the world of tech?
Or what the next big thing is at CERN? or NASA?

Trust me, a lot of us are just like you and we mostly have one common problem:
we just do not have the time to scour the web for this info
This is where _Geek Universe_ comes in.

- science and technology news from global tech and research institutions;

- videos about engineering innovations;

- updates on tangible and intangible tech products all over the world;

- sci-tech memes and jokes;

- and many more!


Kindly follow this link to become a member of Geek Universe: https://bit.ly/3f76WWy


ওজন ৩৬ মণ, দাম হাঁকছেন ৫০ লাখ

ওজন ৩৬ মণ, দাম হাঁকছেন ৫০ লাখ প্রতিনিধি, ABIR HOSSAIN ৩০ জুলাই ২০২০, ১৯:৫৭ আপডেট:  ৩০ জুলাই ২০২০, ২০:০৬     খামারি রিয়াজ উদ্দিন চৌধুরীর খামা...